  • Hong Kong tariffs and import and export regulations
  •  Hong Kong is a pursues the free trade of entry of goods without tariffs, and only a few entrance restrictions. Very little Hong Kong entry licensing restrictions, only a few kinds of products need to adhere to regulations or international trade agreement with environmental, health, and safety and security standards can be; But Hong Kong's exports have different restrictions. The trade department is responsible for management and performance of the Hong Kong trade policy, work includes: allocate quotas, inward and outward permit and the Hong Kong producer certificate issued. All entry goods declaration will record in the trade department of the customs and excise department, the department will according to the entrance to the value of goods and a little cost. Trade department under the terms of the international trade agreement, comply with the health, safety, environmental or security control of the project, and in accordance with the terms of the consumption tax and the issuance of entry permit. Hong Kong government does not need to check the port of shipment in advance, but for individual items. General cargo entry requires commercial documents and waybill, but I don't need to import tax or consular invoice. Different kinds of products need different file, Hong Kong is not recognized as usual when we import files need to be submitted.

    Government of several products have export restrictions, only general export goods is according to permit the export. Export restrictions are in accordance with the requirements of the export country or region of different international agreement and the security, public health and safety regulations. Exporters to submit all lose or export goods declared to the customs and excise department, the department will also be small fee according to the value of the goods. Only the company registered in Hong Kong are eligible for a document issued by a government. Because a lot of places need entrance showing the source of goods, if the goods are not produced by Hong Kong registered company, but by the outside entrance first to have the product production sources and to determine the qualification of the supplier. The production of the standard of certificate of origin should according to the requirement of the exporter.

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